What is the role of ultrasonic water meters in utility smart water supply systems?
The water company is composed of a water company (responsible for the production of tap water), a water supply company (sales of tap water), a sewage company (responsible for sewage treatment) and some related municipal companies. One of its main functions is to be accountable for measuring water consumption in the branch pipeline.
So why do water companies use ultrasonic water meters when measuring branch pipelines?
The branch pipeline network needs to perform not only flow measurement, but also pressure detection, and remote data transmission to realize smart water services. As a result, traditional mechanical water meters only have flow measurements and cannot realize functions such as pressure monitoring and remote data transmission, so usage is decreasing. On the contrary, the RTU that uses ultrasonic water meters has the above functions, so it is widely used by water companies in the measurement of branch pipe networks.
Among them, the advantages of ultrasonic water meters are:
1. Ultrasonic water meter has a low initial flow rate to avoid non-measurement of small flow rates and increase water fee income; high measurement accuracy ensures a reliable guarantee for accurate water metering; wide range ratio, suitable for various users with different water consumption.
2. Convenient communication network, multiple output signals, convenient automatic settlement and computer management, realize management in water supply, improve management efficiency, and reduce operating costs. The output signal types are complete, which is convenient for remote control.
The above is the introduction of ultrasonic water meter manufacturers on the reasons why water companies use ultrasonic water meters in branch pipe network measurement.