Pula -Fixed Network

Abha -Fixed Network

Efficiency down to the last drop

Water is precious, especially in Saudi Arabia.By centrally and fully automating the monitoring of the entire water distribution network, the Abha region aims to minimize water losses and avoid erroneous consumption measurements. Local water suppliers want to control non-revenue water issues.Non-revenue water (NRW) is water that has been delivered to the distribution network but cannot be billed due to leakage or inaccurate consumption measurement.

1.4 Mio Water for People

The innovative fixed network ensures the supply of the most precious resource in the Abha region.

85,000 ultrasonic water meters

Modern and robust radio engineering provides fully automatic monitoring of the entire water distribution network.

Current data every 120 minutes

Continuously record the latest measurements for central monitoring and accurate billing.

The challenge:

Ensure loss-free water supply and correct consumption measurement

The local water supplier ensures water supply to more than 1.4 million people in the Abha region of Saudi Arabia.Water resources are extremely limited, and sustainable use is both an ecological and economic necessity for local water suppliers.

The water meters previously used could not reliably withstand the harsh conditions in the Middle East and North Africa.The accumulation of sand in pipes is particularly problematic: Sand deposits in mechanical water meters lead to inaccurate measurements.Actual water usage is often higher than recorded.Intense wear and tear inside the pipe system leads to leaks causing water loss.Their rapid identification and location is crucial because water is a very precious resource and any waste is a painful loss.

 Although manual reading of water meters requires a lot of manpower, time and cost, transcription errors cannot be eliminated.Furthermore, metering does little to resolve customer complaints about incorrect consumer bills.Without current daily measurements, water supply networks cannot be planned effectively.This results in financial losses for water suppliers as billing cannot be done correctly and the durability of water meters is limited.


The solution:


Tengyue Metering, together with on-site partners, invested in a comprehensive smart metering

infrastructure for the local water supplier.In the fixed network, up to 85,000 ultrasonic water meters with integrated radio modules will be installed to enable fully automatic meter reading in the Abha region.

The benefit:

Sustainable use of valuable water resource

Ultrasonic metering ensures measurement accuracy and long-term stability, even in heavily polluted water.With a battery life of up to 16 years, ultrasonic water meters are many times more durable than standard water meters.In addition, it detects air in pipes and measures actual water usage with the highest accuracy.This saves costs and eliminates inaccurate water usage measurements.The wide radio range of the fixed network enables fixed radio receivers to collect meter data accurately and without error.If a break occurs in the pipe or an error occurs in the water meter, the alarm function sounds an alarm so that leaks can be discovered and repaired in time.Improvements to the piped network have minimized non-revenue water issues and have had a positive impact on water suppliers revenues.Overall, the Tengyue metering solution enables the entire Abha region to use precious water resources efficiently and sustainably.