Pula -Fixed Network

Consumption data and network control at the touch of a button
A water plant in Pula, Croatia, supplies drinking water to 46,332 people.This also includes the many Kornati islands off the Croatian mainland.Until now, manual meter reading has proven particularly challenging on small islands.Tengyue Metering has installed a fixed network solution in a pilot project at the island’s water plant.It will be implemented on five more islands in the future.

Meter reading in the most difficult conditions
The island's infrastructure makes meter reading a challenge.

Fast response on the island
Thanks to AMR, response times are shortened.

Consumption always in view
Consumption can be monitored at any time.
The challenge:
Reliable meter reading in complex terrain

During the summer, the water utility faced a huge challenge when reading meters on the small island,which has a population of more than 1,000 people.Manual meter reading by waterworks staff has always been difficult due to the long distance from the mainland to the island, the difficult terrain and the large height differences in the built-up areas.
The drinking water needed by the islanders is transported to the island by special tanker trucks.Every drop of water is expensive and precious.Until now, mechanical instruments have mostly been installed in shafts surrounded by rock and difficult to access on the cliff islands typical of the region.The height differences that needed to be overcome also made it difficult for water utility employees to read meters manually.As a result, the meter reading process is time-consuming and costly, and the response time to problems is very long.
The solution:
Automatic reading of water meters with ultrasonic technology in fixed network

The existing mechanical water meters have been gradually replaced by static ultrasonic water meters.
The benefit:
Save money and time-early leak detection and correction

Thanks to the fixed network installed on the island, time-consuming on-site meter readings by staff are a thing of the past.This saves time and money.The large radio range of the fixed network ensures that the fixed radio receiver receives the meter data without error.Any malfunctions or water supply bottlenecks are detected at an early stage so that appropriate countermeasures can be taken immediately.Additionally, static ultrasonic water meters can detect air in pipes and accurately measure actual water usage.This saves costs and eliminates incorrect consumption measurements.If leaks have often been overlooked in the past, automatic alarms ensure that faults in the water distribution network or water meters are detected and corrected.